Quail Care

Quail food: Quail food is cheap and easy to buy. The food may be at any farmers market, or game bird store. If you don't want to buy your quail food, you can always make it! Check this video out on how to make Quail food.
Quail, like any other game bird such as duck, chicken, etc need fiber and calcium. Every time you're hen lays an egg, she loses calcium used to make that egg. If you're quail don't get enough calcium everyday, they will lay brittle eggs, and there bones will become weak. It's quite easy to get fiber in there diet. Get some oyster shells from a beach store, or farmers market, and just throw some of the shells in there cage. Make sure they're crushed in small bits so the quail can eat them up.  Another way, is to take some of the egg shells from the quail eggs that you just ate, and crush them up and feed them to the quail.
Other than quail feed, and Calcium bits, your quail will love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables! Put some tomato, and berries in there, and your quails will be happy you did. Pretty much any fruit or vegetable, even flowers will be good for your them. Just be careful when you give them house plants and some plants from outside, as these mabey poisonous. As far as water goes, just set a small bowl in there. Make sure its not to deep, or they can drown. They can also drink from water bottles.
Quail Habitat: 
 Quail can live in things from cages to pens. Inside to Outside. If you do keep you're quails inside, make sure you don't have a lot. To many in a small enclosure can make them sick.  Here are some tutorials for making quail cages and hutches: Quail homes.  Also, here are some places to buy: Quail homes.   Fun Quail website.  
       Inside quails can live in rodent cages. They can use pine litter, and newspaper shavings, just like you're pet guinea pig or rabbit. Just make sure you change it often! Outside quails can live in pens, but make sure they're predator proof! Raccoons, Possums, weasels, snakes, and big birds can get you're quail, and can kill more than half.
Bobwhite Quail cage
Here is my bobwhite quail cage.

 Quail diseases: Quails can get diseases like any other animal, and can make others sick. They can die, and cause sadness to the family. Here is a list of diseases they can get, and how to prevent them: www.worldpoultry.net/diseases/quail-bronchitis-d90.html  www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3310371
www.thepoultrysite.com/diseaseinfo/162/ulcerative-enteritis-quail-disease Quails can get sick if they are kept in the same pens as or get in contact with chickens. If you have chickens try to keep your Quail away from them. Salmonella can kill and make you're Quails sick.

Quail facts:

Quail are very nice, and tend not to be very violent. They don't peck you, but can scratch you with there claws sometimes when they are uncomfortable, and you are holding them. Taming your quail is easier when they're babies, but you will be able to tame your grown up quail also. Quail have a reflect when there scared, to jump/fly straight up. This can be very dangerous, as they may break there necks on the celling, or hit something glass, or very fragile in you house.  If you are afraid your quail will jump, throw a towel over them, and pick them up under the towel. They can't jump while under the towel, and usually don't try to when the towel is coming down upon them.
Quail roosters are not like Chicken roosters. They do crow, but it's not very loud, and is very short and kind of cool. They also make other fun noises! So don't be surprised if you hear them keeping you up in the middle of the night!
Quail hens lay 1-2 eggs a day. The more Quail you have, the more eggs.