Monday, February 13, 2012

Quail Raising Project

I am making a video/documentary of  the incubating, hatching, and growing up of the new quail chicks. Since blogger is facing some difficulties, and my blog keeps crashing, I would like to put the finished project on YouTube. I will post a link in on of my posts when it is finished. Anyway hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

New incubator!

We decided to get a new incubator today. Our other incubator lost a part, and we just made it a place for the chicks when they hatch. We decided to go the easy way, by buying one at a farm store called Southern States. We bought a Circulated Styrofoam Incubator for Quails, Chickens, Ducks, and other poultry and game birds. It was about $90, at the least, but i would say it was worth it! Once we get our Coturnix roo, we will start getting fertile eggs, and baby quail to put out incubator at use!